Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Merry Christmas to all...

Thank you to everyone who has shopped at Nebraska Created in Norfolk, the GROW Stores in Kearney and Grand Island, and also the St Benedictine Center north of Schuyler! And special thanks to the people who called or emailed with personalized orders! 
Thank you to those of you who are gifting Design Haven Graphics products. It is a joy to make them and I can only imagine all the joy from those who are receiving them.

Thank you so much!!!

Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year 2016!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14

This window is from Olean, Nebraska. It was in the Sacred Heart Academy Catholic school there which was just torn down this past fall. 

This window is on sale at the Nebraska Created Store at the Sunset Plaza Mall in  Norfolk, Nebraska.  This window looks great just sitting on top of my bookcase in my living room. I kind of hated to take it to the store, but I wanted to share it.  Do check out the Nebraska Created store as I did just take about five more windows there as well as re-stocked the baking dishes, trifle bowls and canisters.

Don't wait until the December 24th!  Shop now for the best selection!